

Mit gleich zwei neuen Projekten bringt sich der ehemalige Dream-Theater-Drummer Mike Portnoy derzeit in Stellung.


VENGEANCE - Crystal Eye

Founded in 1982 in the Dutch band, Vengeance has since become a multinational affair. Besides founding member and singer Leon Goewie, the band currently includes ex Alice Cooper guitarist Keri Kelli, bassist Chris Glen (ex-MSG, Alex Harvey) and drummer Chris Slade (ex-Earth Band, AC/DC).


VENGEANCE - Crystal Eye

1982 ins niederländische Band ins Leben gerufen, ist Vengeance inzwischen zu einer multinationalen Affäre geworden.


RIBOZYME - Presenting The Problem

"Presenting The Problem" is the fifth album of the Norwegian trio. The fact that even journalists and experts rarely know all five works of this troupe is their biggest problem.


RIBOZYME - Presenting The Problem

„Presenting The Problem“ ist das inzwischen fünfte Album des norwegischen Trios. Dass selbst Journalisten und Experten selten alle fünf Werke dieser Truppe kennen, ist ihr größtes Problem.


PICTURE - Warhorse

After the first reunion in 1997 was not very successful, the Dutch metal icons Picture could start again three years ago with "Old Dogs New Tricks" (suitable album title!). Especially in the metal underground the band from Hilversum hasn't lost any of their fascination over the years.


PICTURE - Warhorse

Nachdem die erste Reunion 1997 wenig erfolgreich verlaufen war, konnten die holländischen Metal-Ikonen Picture vor drei Jahren mit „Old Dogs New Tricks“ (passender Albumtitel!) wieder richtig gut durchstarten.


JONATHAN DAVIS AND THE SFA - Alone I Play - Live At The Union Chapel

Jonathan Davis celebrated an intense concert evening with his fans in London in June 2008. As part of his solo tour, supported by musicians of his choice, who trade as a band under the modest name "Simply Fucking Amazings", Davis once again sang and crooned his soul out of his body.


JONATHAN DAVIS AND THE SFA - Alone I Play - Live At The Union Chapel

Einen intensiven Konzertabend feierte Jonathan Davis im Juni 2008 in London mit seinen Fans.



With a new singer, the Dutch band FeedForward has recorded their second album after "Barefoot & Naked" (2006) - this time also with the support of a record company. The marketing concept is also new. Because FeedForward are sold as Progmetalact, which is half the truth at best.
