PAUL WELLER - More Modern Classics

Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 162 / 7-8-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: ohne Wertung | Label: Universal | Autor: SaS

Since his solo debut in 1993 and the accolade of Britpop leader Oasis, the modfather has been one of the most important institutions of rock music, at least in Great Britain. Even if his last albums sounded a bit erratic, they were always celebrated in the British press, because this man, so one agrees, simply can't do anything wrong. To underline this, with "More Modern Classic" a new compilation is released, which documents the last fifteen creative years of Weller as successor of the "Modern Classics" released in 1998. They weren't quite as productive as the phase in the 90s, but the ex-jam and style council frontman managed to present a tremendous variety of styles, especially with the 2008 double album "22 Dreams". Unfortunately you can also hear songs from weaker records like "Illimination" (2002) and the last work "Sonik Kicks" (2012), so that, contrary to the title, you only partly have to deal with modern classics. But you can discover songs from lost albums like "As Is Now" for yourself, which invites you to further investigative research of Weller's back catalogue.

Top track: He's The Keeper

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