LENNY MACDOWELL - Retrospective

Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 137 / 2-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: 4/10 | Label: Blue Flame | Autor: CA

After twenty records you can already look back on your own career with a "retrospective". Flute player Lenny MacDowell spreads his musical career out to us on two CDs in over one hundred and fifty minutes, which does some justice to his extensive output. After all, the musician started in 1978 with his "Flute Power" and the album of the same name, on which he shone with songs like "Bouree" and "Locomotive Breath". MacDowell quickly established himself as the number one rock flutist in Germany, a reputation that he solidified with records such as "Magic Flute", for which he won the Birth Controllers Zeus B. Held, Manni von Bohr and Horst Stachelhaus. This "Retrospective", including his contributions to the Jazzamor project (the cover versions "Ain't No Sunshine" and "Summertime"), is dedicated above all to this rocky phase. And of course the coupling also contains mentioned Tull classics, but above all own material, which connects rock with esoteric kitsch with "Old Turkish Bath", "Deep Sea Bed" and "Golden Flute Mantra".

Top track: Deep Sea Bed

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