Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Artpop/Pop | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 150 / 5-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: Mittens | Autor: ST

Welcome to the funny world of Julie Feeney! The extravagant singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, arranger and conductor has formed an artistic living space in which there are no corners and sharp edges, in which there is no dirt and no disturbing noises. Just beauty, light and warmth. It's a bit of a barbie world for big girls. But be careful, this woman can do something! The Irishwoman, who has a penchant for unusual clothes and hairstyles as well as exalted headgear, does not pursue Schönklang for his own sake. Even escapism does not seem to be their driving force. Rather, she uses her obvious talents to create an esoteric pop art that man can enjoy like a flower or a landscape. Her third work "Clocks" has no more sensational numbers like the "Impossibly Beautiful" or the unbelievable "Aching". The star of "Clocks" is - "Clocks". The eleven sparingly orchestrated, cleverly arranged pieces form a harmonious unity. It's a record that exhales ceaselessly. A little jewel.

Top track: Julia

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