Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Avantgarde | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 153 / 9-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: Trost | Autor: WK

NOHOME is not the Caspar Brötzmann massacre with a new line-up. The trio consists of three equal musicians. Guitarist Caspar Brötzmann, drummer Michael Wertmüller and bassist Marino Pliakas are each absolute experts in their own right. Wertmüller and Pliakas have already been powering with father Peter Brötzmann in the band Full Blast, in NOHOME they are now drifting from the jazz avant-garde towards improv rock. But how the three characters merge into a single eruption is breathtaking. The improvisational arcs can still be so far-fetched, the three protagonists never lose sight of their motifs. The whole thing is a constant interplay of contractions and relaxations, incomprehensible hussar rides and expansive ambient surfaces. As a special guest, the trio is joined by Brötzmann's old play FM Einheit, which uses drills on gigantic railway springs to generate infernally shimmering soundscapes. To be fair, however, one must note that the trio harmonizes better without a guest, because the density of this noise ballet actually makes any additional components superfluous.

Top track: 1

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