Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Prog | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 165 / 11-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 9/10 | Label: Federal Prism | Autor: WK

Those who know Stardeath & White Dwarfs usually know them as permanent guests of the Flaming Lips. In fact, the troop is run by Dennis Coyne, Wayne Coyne's nephew. "Wastoid" is only their second album in ten years, but like their predecessor "Birth" this album has a lot to offer. The spiral of Glamrock, Hardrock, Prog and Alternative, so typical for SDWD, is led to a new peak. The closeness to the Flaming Lips and their court is as obvious as the inspiration from the cheerful colourfulness of a band like Ween. Coyne and Co. like to wear fat, love pathos à la Pink Floyd, King Crimson or David Bowie, but they also master soft and sweet tones. They also invite bands like Flaming Lips and New Fumes to their round dance and surprise with catchy melodies, gripping riffs, seductive instrumentations, dramatic logic. Emotion and calculation never stand in the way of each other. On this CD practically everything is right from the first to the last note.

Top track: Hate Me Tomorrow

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