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Amon Düül II Barclay
James Harvest The
Beach Boys/Brian Wilson Jeff
Beck Colosseum
Gallagher Gentle
Giant Golden
Earring Gong
Priest John
Lennon Paul
McCartney The
Police/Sting Procol
Harum Saga
Hard facts
- 304 pages (16 pages more compared to part 2, 40 pages more compared to part 1)
- Hardcover, dust jacket
- color picture print with many photos
- Bands/Artists
- Size 29,7 x 24 cm
- €32,95
- ISBN: 978-3-944957-03-6
What the book offers
- complete analysis of the complete works of 20 of the most important rock acts of all time (see list)
- Band history at a glance (timeline, musical roots, most important facts ...)
- all studio albums, the most important live albums, DVDs etc.
- for each studio album: review, all info, tracklist, rating of the single songs as well as press reviews and musician quotes
- the top albums with XXL-Review
- Top-30 songs of all bands/artists (plus top-5 special lists "For Freaks", "For Beginners", "Top-Bonus-Tracks" etc.)
- complete discography
- many rare photos
Press comments
"One of the greatest rock encyclopedias of recent years, the esteemed colleagues from the prog magazine 'eclipsed' have been blasting into our music rooms." (Rock Hard)
"The book not only evaluates every single record of the artists. She also rates every single song on it. The authors demonstrate pleasing expertise. [...] Can a book about rock afford more? No! Already the anticipation is on tape two." (Frankfurter Rundschau)
"A high-quality book at an amazingly low price. [...] An absolute must for friends of rock music from the 60s to the 80s."
"...this book is pure skirt for the eyes!" (Rock Times)
"What a title - and what a theme. [...] The continuously illustrated book provides information on every act, including critical evaluation [...] even every studio album of the mentioned sizes is discussed. [...] Timeline graphs illustrate the chronology of events so that you really get a solid overview of what happened here, when and where." (Guitar & Bass) "A great music atlas that never gets boring. Make sure you buy it!" (Buchtipp, TZ München)
"Everything done very lovingly and in detail, yet clear and easy to read. The beginner gets an overview and the music nerd has fun looking for facts he didn't know yet. What I find particularly great are the purchase recommendations for individual albums, graded into 5 categories from "Kaufrausch" to "Fehlkauf". All I can say is. Rock heart, what more do you want?" (Book tip, SWR3)
"3 Stars (delektabel)" (Rolling Stone)