MONSTER MAGNET - Milking The Stars: A Re-Imagining Of Lost Patrol

"Lost Patrol", published in 2013, showed Dave Wyndorf in top form. So why a new edition of the self-contained work? The veteran stoner rocker had already announced in several interviews that there would be a follow-up album with unused material and new interpretations.


MONSTER MAGNET - Milking The Stars: A Re-Imagining Of Lost Patrol

„Lost Patrol“, 2013 erschienen, zeigte Dave Wyndorf in Bestform. Warum also nun eine Neuauflage des doch in sich geschlossenen Werks?


CROBOT - Something Supernatural

Careful, evil! At least the four beard bearers from Pennsylvania give their songs titles that give a hint of evil: "El Mano De Lucifer", "Legend Of The Spaceborn Killer", "The Necromancer", to name just a few. Behind this are hard rock bombs of sophisticated design, powerful and energy-spraying.


CROBOT - Something Supernatural

Vorsicht, böse! Zumindest geben die vier Bartträger aus Pennsylvania ihren Songs Titel, die Übles ahnen lassen: „El Mano De Lucifer“, „Legend Of The Spaceborn Killer“, „The Necromancer“, um nur einige zu nennen.


MY BROTHER THE WIND - Once There Was A Time When Time And Space Were One

The Swedish space quartet My Brother The Wind likes to claim that their songs are pure improvisations. This may apply to the process of creation. But what you can hear on his third studio album are coherent instrumental pieces that follow an inner logic and carry a special handwriting.


MY BROTHER THE WIND - Once There Was A Time When Time And Space Were One

Das schwedische Space-Quartett My Brother The Wind behauptet gerne, dass seine Songs reine Improvisationen sind. Das mag für den Entstehungsprozess gelten.


JIMMY BARNES - Hindsight

For his 30th anniversary as a solo artist, the Scottish-born artist is making even more noise than usual and giving himself and his fans new recordings.


JIMMY BARNES - Hindsight

Zu seinem 30-jährigen Jubiläum als Solokünstler lässt es der gebürtige Schotte noch mehr krachen als sonst und beschenkt sich und seine Fans mit Neuaufnahmen.


TWIN ATLANTIC - Great Divide

You sound like an American college band, if it wasn't for that weird accent. It's because Sam McTrusty and Co. are from Glasgow. From there they set out to conquer the halls, if not the stadiums of the world.


TWIN ATLANTIC - Great Divide

Sie klängen wie eine amerikanische Collegeband, wäre da nicht dieser seltsame Akzent. Der rührt daher, dass Sam McTrusty und Co. aus Glasgow stammen. Von dort aus schicken sie sich an, die Hallen, wenn nicht gar Stadien der Welt zu erobern.
