
SALTLAND - I Thought It Was Us But It Was All Of Us

"I Thought It Was Us But It Was All Of Us" is fragile music, forms that do not exist in reality. "I Thought It Was Us But It Was All Of Us" is the solo debut of Rebecca Foon, cellist with Montreal-based collectives such as Thee Silver Mt. Zion, Set Fire To Flames and Esmerine.


SALTLAND - I Thought It Was Us But It Was All Of Us

„I Thought It Was Us But It Was All Of Us“, das ist in Musik gefasste Zerbrechlichkeit, das sind Formen, die es in der Realität so nicht gibt. „I Thought It Was Us But It Was All Of Us“ ist das Solodebüt von Rebecca Foon, Cellistin bei in Montreal beheimateten Kollektiven wie Thee Silver Mt.


COLIN STETSON - New History Warfare Vol. 3: To See More Light

All these sounds are supposed to be from a saxophone? And recorded live without overdubs and loops? That's what it says on the artwork of "New History Warfare Vol. 3: To See More Light", the new album by US experimental saxophonist Colin Stetson.


COLIN STETSON - New History Warfare Vol. 3: To See More Light

All diese Klänge sollen von einem Saxofon sein? Und dazu noch live ohne Overdubs und Loops eingespielt? So steht es jedenfalls auf dem Artwork von „New History Warfare Vol. 3: To See More Light“, dem neuen Album des US-Experimentalsaxofonisten Colin Stetson.


HISS TRACTS - Shortwave Nights

Hiss Tracts, another project from the Montréal independent scene, is making its debut with "Shortwave Nights".


HISS TRACTS - Shortwave Nights

Hiss Tracts, ein weiteres Projekt aus der Montréaler Independent-Szene, legt mit „Shortwave Nights“ sein Debüt vor.



Born in New York, Carla Bozulich has spent three decades in a variety of bands, including the indie collective Ethyl Meatplow and the alternative country group The Geraldine Fibbers.



Die gebürtige New Yorkerin Carla Bozulich war in ihrer drei Jahrzehnte währenden Karriere in einer Vielzahl von Bands aktiv, unter anderem beim Indie-Kollektiv Ethyl Meatplow und bei der Alternative-Country-Gruppe The Geraldine Fibbers.


OUGHT - More Than Any Other Day

Rugged, asymmetric guitar riffs, rumbling grooves, a production like a stiff westerly wind on the North Sea and all that underlaid by a dirty eighties sound.


OUGHT - More Than Any Other Day

Schroffe, asymmetrische Gitarrenriffs, rumpelnde Grooves, eine Produktion wie ein steifer Westwind auf der Nordsee und all das unterlegt von einem schmutzigen Eighties-Sound.
