JUNIUS - Reports From The Threshold Of Death

There's room for that in sunny California, too: Junius's dark rockers prefer not only dark tones, but also abstract themes.


JUNIUS - Reports From The Threshold Of Death

Auch dafür ist Platz im sonnigen Kalifornien: Die Dunkelrocker von Junius bevorzugen nicht nur düstere Töne, sondern auch abstrakte Themen.


JONATHAN DAVIS AND THE SFA - Alone I Play - Live At The Union Chapel

Jonathan Davis celebrated an intense concert evening with his fans in London in June 2008. As part of his solo tour, supported by musicians of his choice, who trade as a band under the modest name "Simply Fucking Amazings", Davis once again sang and crooned his soul out of his body.


JONATHAN DAVIS AND THE SFA - Alone I Play - Live At The Union Chapel

Einen intensiven Konzertabend feierte Jonathan Davis im Juni 2008 in London mit seinen Fans.


EXXASENS - Eleven Miles

What begins with the opener "Science Will Save Us" as if someone had borrowed the ringing guitars from U2's "Where The Streets Have No Name" soon turns out to be completely different than expected. The third album of Jordi Ruiz's one-man project features eleven Spacerock instrumental pieces.


EXXASENS - Eleven Miles

Was mit dem Opener „Science Will Save Us“ so beginnt, als hätte jemand die klingelnden Gitarren von U2s „Where The Streets Have No Name“ ausgeliehen, entwickelt sich schon bald ganz anders als gedacht.


EXIT TEN - Give Me Infinity

Great Britain rocks - not least thanks to these five young men from Reading. What sounds carefree in the ears and very American here is the second album of the band Exit Ten, which was sold four years ago as a British guitar band hope.


EXIT TEN - Give Me Infinity

Great Britain rocks – nicht zuletzt dank dieser fünf jungen Männer aus Reading. Was hier unbekümmert in den Ohren dröhnt und sehr amerikanisch klingt, ist das zweite Album der vor vier Jahren als britische Gitarrenband-Hoffnung gehandelten Truppe Exit Ten.


SONOFOLD - The Wolf Album

Behind the "Suhnuhvohld" pronounced music project from Southern Germany are the South African singer and songwriter Nic Olsen and drummer Florian Schanze.


SONOFOLD - The Wolf Album

Hinter dem „Suhnuhvohld“ ausgesprochenen Musikprojekt aus Süddeutschland verbergen sich der aus Südafrika stammende Sänger und Liedermacher Nic Olsen und Schlagzeuger Florian Schanze.
