The title of the new album of Samsara Blues Experiment, "One With The Universe", sounds very positive. It's like there's somebody in the right place with you and the world. Much, however, has come about against a serious background. "There's a lot of personal stuff in this album," says Chris Peters, mastermind of the trio, "maybe more than ever before. Three of the five songs are lyrically dedicated to my ex-girlfriend. That breakup had ripped me into quite a hole. I wanted to free myself creatively from it. It also doesn't make sense to moan, even if that often seems to be the order of the day in the blues. 'My baby left me this morning...' - but in the end you have to get over it."
Even the spiritual that resonates in the title does not come by chance. "Other themes on the album are more about a kind of awakening, that might sound a bit esoteric, but maybe sometimes I am a bit esoteric. I think many people oversleep a lot of time, sit in front of computer games or YouTube movies, shoot themselves with all sorts of trifles, let other people steer their thoughts, are afraid of everything new, never or hardly talk about deeper topics, actually don't live to their full potential. I cannot and will not say anything else to all of these, in the end everyone has to see how he becomes happy with himself. I was and am not so different, but I was also very unhappy. And I wake up very slowly, with sleeping sand in my eyes. There's just generally too much negativity out there."