Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 163 / 9-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 6/10 | Label: ZeitART | Autor: AS

Name and outfit of the band suggest that this is a gothic group. And indeed, on their second album, the Potsdam quartet indulges in melancholic to gloomy-elegant moods. The music of darkplain is not pure gothic, it is too soft and subtle. Rather, she joins the minor chords, mostly performed at medium tempo, with wonderfully indulgent melodies that would also look good on pure pop songs. Beside singer Walla Letizia the voice of guitarist/cellist Rayne P. Grocks is more and more often heard - also as a duet - which gives the songs more variety and depth and helps a little bit over the isolated inexplicable tonal slips of the lead singer. The Brandenburger sound most interesting when - unfortunately much too rarely - they weave classical elements into "Soulbreaker" with acoustic guitar and cello. If piano comes into play ("Secret Garden", "Moon"), darkplain must be careful not to step into the kitsch trap.

Top Track: Soulbreaker

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