Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Prog, Classic Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 162 / 7-8-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 5/10 | Label: Progress | Autor: WP
It all started in the nineties. Back then, hobby musicians Terje Flessen and Odd Roar Bakken joined forces to indulge their passion for Uriah Heep, Jethro Tull and other seventies prog and classic rock bands. Two projects became a band, even if initially only as a pure studio formation. "Caught In The Web" is the third album in ten years to emerge from this collaboration. Unfortunately, the Swedes cannot keep what their great role models promise. Only a few tracks ("Test Of Time", "Caught In The Web", "Into The Dream") offer a solid level of songwriting. Not to mention their own musical identity. Too close one remains stuck in style and sound to the heroes of bygone times. It's too weak and lacking in ideas for long distances. Adventure, especially in the quiet moments ("Solitude"), suggest that potential is definitely there. Overall, however, this is too little for the 2010s. Therefore this album should not survive the "Test Of Time".
Top Track: Test Of Time