Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Krautrock, Prog | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 161 / 6-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 6.5/10 | Label: Musea | Autor: AS
In 1977 a band was formed in Constance around guitarist and keyboarder Michael Rössmann, which combined herbaceous prog sounds à la Hoelderlin with those of their English colleagues like Genesis. In 1983 her first (self-titled) album was released, in 1987 another one: "You And I". Was it because of the "late birth" that the band was not a big success? Anyway, it disintegrated in 1989. In 2010, Rössmann itched his fingers again and a new formation took place, to which Wolfgang Vollmuth (b, acoustic g, voc) also belongs as a second original member. The result is the recently released CD "Time", which follows on from where the band started, as if hardly any time had passed. The album offers ten tracks with a high instrumental part and often concertante character. Guitars and keyboards are competing head to head for the crown for the most gripping melody, but in the heat of the moment they get quite close to commercial shores. Luckily, a powerful rhythm fraction always brings her back to more progressive shores with virtuoso passages and fine cooperation of all participants. Promising new beginning. (Parallel there is also the worthwhile debut in new edition).
Top track: The Puppet Master