BROTHER APE - Force Majeure

Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Artpop/Pop, Electronic | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 150 / 5-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: Progress | Autor: MaB

The fact that Brother Ape are one of the driving forces of the Swedish prog scene is already expressed by the trio in the title of their sixth CD. Accordingly, Stefan Damicolas, Gunnar Maxén and Max Bergman confidently enter the material after "Entry" (cf. the toy-instrument intro by Pat Methenys "The Way Up"). In the title song the musicians do without vocals and instead present a modern prog characterized by hectic synths, which even contains drum'n'bass influences and is loosened up by a spacy interlude. In general, drummer Max Bergman can be said to have given the band's sound a convincing boost with more modern grooves and timbres, which is also reflected in "The Mirror" (with a psychedelic pop touch). If you are familiar with the other Brother-Ape works, you might be surprised by the straighter pace of the cheerful song "Doing Just Fine". But with this the band only picks up the thread they left behind after "Immortal" ("III", 2008). Particularly successful: the Pink-Floyd-meets-Ethno-Mélange "Distinction".

Top Track: Distinction

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