Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Artpop/Pop | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 151 / 6-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: City Slang | Autor: WK
Bianca and Sierra Cassady are two crazy sisters who create mythical fantasy worlds on their albums, in whose dense root and shrubbery they enjoy boundless freedom of movement. Also on their new CD they do all honour to this reputation again. The songs live from the vocal contrast of the two unequal sisters between opera and folk, this time rounded off by the additional, unmistakably spread timbre of Antony Hagerty (Antony & The Johnsons). The songs are not as catchy as those of the previous album "Grey Oceans", which was a constructivist masterpiece. The legends of the grass widow reveal their secrets only very sparingly. And yet this delicate music is full of lovingly hidden details that only reveal themselves over time. It is hardly advisable to tear individual songs out of their context. "Tales Of A Grasswidow" wants to be heard as a compact work of sound art from the first to the last note. CocoRosie follow the tradition of the great song cycles of the 19th and 20th centuries. A bitchy piece of art music that doesn't court courtesy.
Top Track: End Of Time