Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Stoner/Desertrock | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 158 / 3-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: World In Sound | Autor: BSV
In 2012 Doctor Cyclops convinced with their debut "Borgofondo". The Italians didn't even think about a possibly difficult second album at all, but instead started the follow-up "Oscuropasso". And now we're going to add to that. Five tracks with a total playing time of 46 minutes prove that Doctor Cyclops take their time in their pieces. Time that they use for playful intros (a funny Paulchen Panther bass in "Waterfalls" or Sixties Italo holiday music in "The Monk"), before they start with fat riffs and heavy drums. So there won't be any doubts in the first place: Despite all the little finesses and surprises, Doctor Cyclops are and remain a hard rock combo. And a really good one. In "Angel Saviour In The Cannibal House", the trio is even carried away to an organ solo reminiscent of Bach. In addition there is a frickeliges Artrock guitar solo. There's originality in that. And the riffs and guitar lines in "Cobweb Hands" have class. With the almost 16-minute monster "Rotten Trolls" the stunning fun ends, which could have lasted longer.
Top track: Rotten Trolls