Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Postrock, Metal | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 158 / 3-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 6/10 | Label: Birds Robe | Autor: DC
Anyone who believes that the wide field of instrumental rock music has been slowly but surely explored is mistaken. The trio Dumbsaint from Sidney presents an interesting genre contribution with their debut album (released in Australia in 2012), which unites Neoprogger and melancholic soundscape fans. It brings together eight metal-heavy pieces with four years of maturity. Dumbsaint don't reinvent the genre either, but at least they bring fresh, grooving songs with an exotic touch ("Rivers Will Be Crossed") into the action. Something That You Will..." can also be seen as an imaginary duel between guitarist Ron Prince and Russian Circles mastermind Mike Sullivan. On "Something That You Feel Will Find Its Own Form" you get high quality metal riffs, but you miss catchy melodies on album length. Despite virtuosity, love of detail and joy of playing - for the test of strength in a genre in which oversaturation has long since occurred, the Australians' postrock is not consistent enough to convince in the long run.
Top track: Cinematic