Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 166 / 12-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: RCA | Autor: MA
As gifted as Dave Grohl is as a frontman, interview partner and documentary filmmaker: With the exception of his grandiose 1995 debut, all of his Foo Fighters albums were unfinished, contained as much light as shadows, and ultimately lived off the strength of a few radio singles. Exactly the same is the case with Studiowerk number eight. Outstanding: "Something From Nothing", which gives full throttle right from the start, and the irresistible "Outside", which shows the perfect mixture of dynamics, harmony and catchiness and shines with an exquisite instrumental part as well as a guest appearance of Joe Walsh. The rest of the only eight songs is not bad, but falls off noticeably. Be it because it doesn't really distance itself from the familiar work of the Californian quartet ("The Feast And The Famine"), because it sounds very mainstream ("What Did I Do?/God As My Witness") or simply boring ("I Am A River"). The only thing that saves "Sonic Highways" from mediocrity is the concentrated passion and power of the lecture - and a fantastic accompanying HBO series that is an absolute must.
Top Track: Outside