Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Jazz/Jazzrock/Fusion | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 137 / 2-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: Winter & Winter | Autor: WK
The American cellist Hank Roberts already succeeded in the eighties in creating great designs between jazz avant-garde, rock and country music. As rarely as he goes into the studio - in the past 25 years hardly ten records of him have been made - each of his CDs is a highlight in its own right. This also applies to "Everything Is Alive", where all of its core competencies flow together organically. The session with guitarist Bill Frisell, who also participated in Roberts' grandiose debut "Black Pastels" and whose string quartet includes the cellist, bassist Jerome Harris and drummer Kenny Wollesen is characterized by relaxed celebration. Most tracks are based on an autumnal pastoral mood that sounds like Bonnie 'Prince‛ Billy without vocals. Once again, Hank Roberts is able to take jazz beyond its own boundaries and show it the future in parallel traditions.