Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Garage, Rock, Other | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 137 / 2-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: 6/10 | Label: Wire-Sound | Autor: WW
Reunions of bands are not exactly something special. Unless they happen after 30 years. But what can you expect from a postpunk band like magazines? Not that they're going through an ordinary career. Magazines were among the pioneers of the genre at the end of the seventies with their joy of experimentation and the use of keyboards. You don't even hear the three decades break of the formation around Howard Devoto. It is this mixture of avant-garde, art rock and synthipop that makes the sound of the quintet so unmistakable. Whether it's really rocking, like in "Holy Dotage", dreamy quiet like in "Physics" or spherical like in "Of Course Howard" - it doesn't get boring with the fifth album of the group, even if you can rub the monotonous vocals of Devoto a bit. Maybe the British still have something on the case. The big thing is "No Thyself" but it didn't become.
Top Track: Happening In English