Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Alternative/Indie, Avantgarde, Noise | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 153 / 9-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 6/10 | Label: Blu Noise | Autor: BSV
For ten years now, Majmoon have been on a voyage of discovery, combining experimental rock with audiovisual interactions. The people of Munich see themselves as a rock band and art project at the same time. With their - after all already fourth - album "Procedure In A Case Of Breakdown" - they offer seven tracks, which are somehow independent, carry avant-garde traits through all sorts of weird guitar noises, but above all surprise by the partly absurdly high tempo. The drums are precise, exact and hypnotic. The rhythm guitars can get pretty shrill and even end in a chaos that is hard to bear ("Liberation"). The vocals in "Freedom To Obey" are punk, the groove in "Der Delfin" is not only charming, but also funny. "Monkeyflow" begins with a tribalistic drum roll and becomes faster and faster, but surprisingly also offers rest breaks. In the concluding "OJ Gradino" it is then quite leisurely. Thank God. Because too much speed is also not good in the long run, because it is simply too exhausting.
Top Track: My Neighbour Doesn't Have A Cat