Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Artrock, Psychedelic/Space Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 162 / 7-8-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 7.5/10 | Label: Madvedge | Autor: AS
To anticipate it right away: pure psychedelic fans won't get their money's worth with "Psychedelic Teatime". The studio project of singer/multi-instrumentalist Lutz Meinert (among others For Your Pleasure) offers rather a stylish homage to the spherical-progressive music of the 70s, as it was celebrated by the above mentioned acts. Organ sounds reminiscent of early Eloy can be heard in the first track, which later recalls the opener of David Gilmour's first solo record. The piece belongs to the five-part 23-minute "A Mysterious Cup Of Tea", which features pensive guitar arpeggios à la Anthony Phillips and reminiscences of the early Pink Floyd. "Psychedelic Underground" (long and short version) approach the psych in a tongue-in-cheek way. The exciting arrangements of the multi-layered instrumental "Last Exit To Pluto" tempt the listener to listen several times. That's cool. The strongest piece is the atmospheric psychedelic "Landscapes On The Sky" with its fine (acoustic) sounds and its refreshing amusement. If you like progressive music with some psychedelic spots of colour, you can access it without hesitation.
Top Track: Landscapes On The Sky