Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Stoner/Desertrock | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 153 / 9-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 6/10 | Label: Smallstone | Autor: CA
So here she is, the 'authentic rock'n'roll disaster band' from Portugal, as Miss Lava calls herself. Miss Lava glows red like a lava lamp and offers red glowing Hard'n'Stonerrock. It's authentic how you can ride up and down the highways with 120 miles per hour and plenty of whisky in your blood. "Red Supergiant always gives you the feeling of almost limitless freedom. The tracks have titles like "Desert Mind", "Lay Down", "Ride" or "Catch The Fire" and feel accordingly. Everything on "Red Supergiant" looks familiar and like heard and chewed a thousand times before. And yet Red Supergiant works. In her home country, Miss Lava is already an institution that has shared stages with many of the greats that the world of rock has to offer. Now she could swing for the big prank. Because songs like "Hole In China", "Hotel Neon" or "Desert Mind" originated from the blueprints of the Stoner-infected Heavy Rock and have a huge impact. Too bad the rest of the album is a little behind.
Top Track: Hole In China