Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Prog, Mainstream/AOR | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 159 / 4-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 6.5/10 | Label: Eigenvertrieb | Autor: AS
Neronia originated in 2002 from the remains of the German Neoprogformation Ulysses. After an album in 2004 they broke up and two years later resurrected with a new line-up and more complex music. With "Limnotapes" the quintet now releases the second album after the relaunch. It offers a quite successful mixture of catchy melodies, spherical solos of guitar and synth, classical prog with corresponding vintage sounds and symphonic structures, but also appealing acoustic parts. The band knows how to combine these elements into pleasing tracks with a narrative character. The connection between the complexity of combined rhythms and the melodic catchiness of a band like Saga was also successful. The harmony singing also fits. You can't always say that from solo singing. In "Only Sometimes" or "Clouds Of Tears" he reveals some weaknesses. The quality of the ten tracks on offer varies; you can hear that the songs were written over a longer period of time. Nevertheless a decent performance, especially when produced appealingly.
Top track: Go This Way