Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Progmetal | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 157 / 2-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: ohne Wertung | Label: Century Media | Autor: MB
No downtime at Periphery. The plan to publish a concept album in parallel to "Periphery II" (2012) had failed for scheduling reasons, but "Juggernaut" is now definitely in the works. The Maryland progsters bridge the time until completion with the impressive seven song CD "Clear", which they themselves understand as a hybrid of album and EP. The almost effervescent hectic of the debut has long since shaken off the sextet. Instead, it also steered the technically extremely high-quality Progressive Metal including Mathcore interludes into reasonable songwriting tracks. Nevertheless, "Clear" also offers a little uncharted territory. Since all band members are really good songwriters, there was the possibility to clearly distinguish the different writing styles from each other. Each member was responsible for (s)one song as a composer and "creative boss", whereby the intro theme from "Overture" is found in all six other songs as a connecting element. The EP is released at the request of the band without accompanying artwork. Exciting.
Top track: Feed The Ground