Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Prog, Artrock | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 157 / 2-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: Eigenvertrieb | Autor: AS
Austria has grown a lot on the map of Europe of the Prog. This is due to the Styrian band Phi, who delivers a hammer album with "Years Of Breathing". It is already the third by Markus Bratusa (git, voc, keys), Arthur Darnhofer-Demar (b, vocs) and Nick Koch (dr). The concept work offers more melodic moments, but also seems much heavier than its predecessors. Who likes the crisp bass sound and the original bass runs of Riverside will also love Phi. Phi also seem to be masters of metrical mimicry: one catches oneself with the riffs already counting out the bar, before one notices that it is going to work here quite straight, thus in 4/4. Listen only to "Empathy And The Crowbar" and "Cashflow Prayer Answering Machine". Besides rhythmic finesse Phi also inspire with fine melodies ("Sustained Delusions") and classical piano parts (title song). The instrumental "Singularity", reminiscent of Rush. The 21-minute "Life Passing By" finally sums up the band's skills and touches the world of jazz with guest contributions on grand piano and saxophone. Intoxicating.
Top track: Empathy And The Crowbar