Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Electronic, Other | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 158 / 3-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 5/10 | Label: New Music Distribution | Autor: WS
Mario Kuduz is a physicist, member of the German values commission "Initiative Werte - Bewusste Führung" and a fan of Pink Floyd and Synthiepop. Under the name The Pyramids Project he has now released an electronic concept album. It starts in "Earth Network" like Mike Oldfield's "The Songs Of Distant Earth" with the famous astronaut story. In addition, a sequencer and synth carpet rolls up like J. M. Jarre or Mike Oldfield. Unfortunately this passable electronic structure is not maintained and already with the second title "Binary Star" Kuduz combines a kitschy melody with such a shallow instrument set that it requires you to press the forward key. "Sailing Away" with a child woman voice fits well into a modern space-lounge cosmos. The gruesome hit "Lost Music" could even have been written by Frank Farian or Dieter Bohlen. Mr Kuduz, there is also a Taste Commission! Unfortunately the good approaches of the otherwise professionally produced album are almost completely destroyed by such pieces. Too bad.
Top Track: Earth Network