Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Folk/Folkrock | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 164 / 10-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 8.5/10 | Label: Nonesuch | Autor: WK
Already at Led Zeppelin times Robert Plant has proven himself as a very versatile singer. But on his solo records or with Page & Plant he often painfully missed this ability to change. But in the last few years he has gradually regained his old class. "Lullaby And... The Ceaseless Roar" is not a recommendation for hardcore fans of Led Zep. Because Altmeister Plant rather indulges his old preference for international folklore here. Celtic mixes with blues, North African and Asian elements. The basic leadership of guitar and bass occasionally reveals borrowings from Led Zeppelin, but it is never about solo brilliance or playful originality, but rather about a compact band sound. With its discreet electronics, Plant also pays tribute to those developments that have been in use since Massive Attack, without, however, taking advantage of the latest trends. His folk rock, thank God, never shows the intention to take on Mumford & Sons. On the contrary, Plant knows very well that he comes from the tradition the youngsters have yet to enter. This awareness gives his record dignity, charm and, in decisive moments, power. The main emphasis, of course, is on Plant's voice. But also in this respect the former shouter surprises. Unlike in the recent past, he no longer seeks to conceal the hoarse veil that has fallen on his timbre. Especially because Plant has finally made peace with his age, his voice sounds incredibly soft and beautiful. This is no longer the person who has always striven for youthfulness, but someone who can tell a great deal about life.
Top Track: Embrace Another Case