Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Alternative/Indie, Folk/Folkrock | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 158 / 3-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: Qq5 | Autor: WS
The 22-year-old Róisín has a famous mother: the Irish singer Mary Black, at home in Celtic Folk. Her daughter's heart beats more at the interface between indiefolk and pop. Although "Here We Go" is as loose and flaky as Irish spring, it is more reminiscent of the indie cosmos, even reminiscent of Björk in terms of vocal phrasing. "Synchronicity" is more like a traditional folk forest with its guitar, mighty swelling string ornamentation and less erratic rhythm. The cranberries aren't far. Glatt would like to lie down in a beautiful meadow for dreaming. The famous "Climb High", where the young Róisín O dares to climb the challenging Kate-Bush terrain, also fits in perfectly. "Filled With Snow" with highly atmospheric, enchanting violins fills the same big shoes respectfully. More euphoric girlie euphoria in the midtempo fight ballad "How Long" gives a bit more gas to wake up. Then follows, once all piano, a relaxed duet (with Brian Murphy). Two atmospheric end tracks bring this very convincing debut of the "new Dolores O'Riordan" to the point.
Top track: Climb High