Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Progmetal, Instrumental | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 151 / 6-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: Prosthetic | Autor: MB
The steps from the demo "Monument" (2007) to the first album "Carving Desert Canyons" (2009) and "The Collective" (2011) were enormous. No wonder, then, that the rapid development of the Texas instrumental quartet Scale The Summit has now slowed down a little. The breathtaking sound journey of the band from Houston, but also on "The Migration", is still exceptionally captivating and highly interesting. It is the balancing act between highest tension and total dropping, between musical high performance sport and almost meditative liberation ("Evergreen" or "Sabrosa"), which the band around guitarist and Berklee graduate Chris Letchford celebrates here in perfection. Cynic, Dream Theater, Joe Satriani, Long Distance Calling or A Cosmic Trail are still the most important parallels of this fascinating sound world. In their early days, the band called their sound "Adventure Metal" highly melodic at all times, probably also because the songs are as mind-expanding as a hike through the Canyonlands National Park, the seven-strings sound as monumental as the Grand Canyon and purely instrumental Progressive Metal can hardly sound more exciting.
Top track: Atlas Novus