Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Classic Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 152 / 7-8-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 6/10 | Label: Ear | Autor: AT
With "Bula Quo" the old warriors have released the soundtrack to the film of the same name (action comedy, a genre that hasn't really interested anyone since the eighties). It appears in a six-page Digipak with booklet - together with a new studio album. They can't top the last album "Quid Pro Quo" with the studio recordings, because hula-hop sounds ("Mystery Island") or highly trenchant reggae ("Fiji Time") exceed the pain threshold. However, boogie rockers like "GoGoGo" or "Running Inside My Head" and the rock-hard "Run And Hide" have at least a nice entertainment value. To the soundtrack: The actually beautiful "Living On An Island" in a "Fiji-Style"-version didn't have to be, in addition there is a "Rocking All Over The World (Bula Edit)" cut without feeling, tracks from the last studio record and - here it's really off - live versions from Montreux from 2010 (among others "Down Down", "Whatever You Want"). Quite decent for fans. But newcomers should better enjoy the really cool Seventies albums from Quo.
Top track: GoGoGo