Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Gothic/Dark Rock, Folk/Folkrock, Ambient | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 137 / 2-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: Heidrunar Myrkrunar | Autor: BSV
Kim Larsen took a lot of time with the new album of :Of The Wand And The Moon:. Six years have passed since "Sonnenheim", the album that brought many light moments into the otherwise so dark Neofolk of the Dane. Light moments can now be found again on his new work "The Lone Descent". But they were put in their place. The dark sides of folk have the upper hand again: the slow, almost ambient structures, the ominous moods, the spartan arrangements, the threatening drone. Above all, however, stands Larsen's dark singing voice. It sounds like a slow-motion version of Tiamats Johan Edlund or Andrew Eldritch (The Sisters Of Mercy). Violins, cello, mellotron and trumpet are contrasted by Spartan acoustic guitars, soft piano swabs, backing vocals and timpani. The rhythms are usually only subtly hinted at. Larsen's voice creates slow, pleasant melodies. A sublime album, beguiling and disturbing at the same time.
Top Track: Tear It Apart