In most cases, albums of bands that have paused for many years should be treated with caution. Either the musicians try to make you "modern" in a cramped way or they no longer have the creative power of youth.
In den meisten Fällen sind Alben von Bands, die seit vielen Jahren pausierten, mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Entweder versuchen die Musiker verkrampft „einen auf modern“ zu machen oder haben nicht mehr die kreative Power der Jugend.
Attention, not for people who can't play the violin. The Hardanger-Fiddle version of this instrument sounds almost pure here. Erlend Apneseth, a 23-year-old Norwegian, has won prizes with this instrument in many competitions in his home country and is one of the elite fiddlers there.
Achtung, nichts für Leute, die Geigenklänge nicht abkönnen. Denn hier erklingt dieses Instrument in der Variante Hardanger-Fiddle nahezu pur.
Despite his job at Deep Purple the Englishman Don Airey always finds time for solo albums. "Keyed Up" is his fourth overall. Even if the title and the cover might suggest some keyboard-heavy stuff, Don doesn't necessarily hold back, but he usually leaves enough room for the songs to breathe.
Trotz seines Jobs bei Deep Purple findet der Engländer Don Airey immer wieder Zeit für Soloalben. „Keyed Up“ ist sein viertes insgesamt.
Agents come from New Zealand, but recognised early on that a move was necessary if the dream of a career in the rock business was to become a reality. For six years the quartet has been based in London and has released two EPs as well as the studio album "Expand/Contract".
Agent stammen aus Neuseeland, erkannten aber schon früh, dass ein Umzug vonnöten ist, wenn der Traum von einer Karriere im Rockbusiness Wirklichkeit werden soll.
With the re-release of their second album from the year 2012, the trio are really off for the first time outside their Icelandic homeland.
Mit der Wiederveröffentlichung ihres zweiten Albums aus dem Jahre 2012 geht es für das Trio erstmals außerhalb ihrer isländischen Heimat richtig los.