An outcry of indignation went through Switzerland in the summer of 1977: on 31 July of all days, on the eve of the Swiss National Day, the musical "Tell!" premiered in Zurich - a modern, rocky version of the story about the national hero of the Swiss Confederates. After only one month, Tell Musical AG - Udo Jürgens was one of the shareholders - had to pull out all the stops: The negative press response was too much, the audience stayed away. What the media in the alpine state got excited about is now easy to relive: The original LP version of the musical, which was produced by Dieter Dierks, is now available for the first time on CD; it comes in a double pack with demo recordings for the piece, which were already made in 1975.
Today you can stand by Udo Lindenberg as you please. There are a thousand reasons to love him, just as many to hate him, but you can't ignore the phenomenon "Udo". For some he is still the No. 1 German rocker, the personified coolness that lets all external influences bounce off him and does exactly "his thing". Others see him as an art figure hiding behind himself, a mummy of pop pop pop with alternative painting, a self-caricature with sunglasses, hat, cigar and thick lip.
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eclipsed is a music magazine based in Aschaffenburg and has been on the German market since 2000. It is aimed at friends of sophisticated rock music who want to go on a new acoustic voyage of discovery month after month.
eclipsed deals in detail with the rock greats of the 60s and 70s in the areas of art rock, prog, psychedelic, blues, classic, hard rock and much more as well as with the current scene in these areas.
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