
TELL IN ROCK - Media once mercilessly destroyed the musical about the Swiss national hero

27. July 2020

TELL IN ROCK - Medien machten das Musical über den Schweizer Nationalhelden einst gnadenlos nieder

An outcry of indignation went through Switzerland in the summer of 1977: on 31 July of all days, on the eve of the Swiss National Day, the musical "Tell!" premiered in Zurich - a modern, rocky version of the story about the national hero of the Swiss Confederates. After only one month, Tell Musical AG - Udo Jürgens was one of the shareholders - had to pull out all the stops: The negative press response was too much, the audience stayed away. What the media in the alpine state got excited about is now easy to relive: The original LP version of the musical, which was produced by Dieter Dierks, is now available for the first time on CD; it comes in a double pack with demo recordings for the piece, which were already made in 1975.

eclipsed No. 180 / 5-2016

31. December 2016

KING CRIMSON - Always back to the beginning

UDO LINDENBERG - Man with hat

20. April 2016

UDO LINDENBERG - Man with hat

Today you can stand by Udo Lindenberg as you please. There are a thousand reasons to love him, just as many to hate him, but you can't ignore the phenomenon "Udo". For some he is still the No. 1 German rocker, the personified coolness that lets all external influences bounce off him and does exactly "his thing". Others see him as an art figure hiding behind himself, a mummy of pop pop pop with alternative painting, a self-caricature with sunglasses, hat, cigar and thick lip.