
SOFIA EKBERG - All The Small Details (EP)

The Swede Sofia Ekberg can look back on a somewhat unusual career for a musician. We are not dealing here with a youngster who is releasing his debut EP here, but with an experienced woman who works as a teacher in her home country.


SOFIA EKBERG - All The Small Details (EP)

Die Schwedin Sofia Ekberg kann auf einen für eine Musikerin etwas ungewöhnlichen Werdegang zurückblicken.


EASTWICK - Beyond Reason

From northern Sweden comes this four-piece band, armed with lots of guitars, fiddle, cello and choral singing, which follows the hymnal folk rock of the brand The Hooters. Their second album "Beyond Reason" makes you feel good with the sing-along "Trash" full of underdog lyrics.


EASTWICK - Beyond Reason

Aus Nordschweden kommt diese vierköpfige Band, die, bewaffnet mit viel Gitarren, Fiddle, Cello und Chorgesängen, an den hymnenartigen Folkrock der Marke The Hooters anschließt. Ihr zweites Album „Beyond Reason“ macht mit dem Mitsing-Song „Trash“ voller Underdog-Lyrik gleich richtig Laune.


THE CROOKED FIDDLE BAND - Moving Pieces Of The Sea

What happens when Californian star producer Steve Albini (PJ Harvey, The Auteurs, Bush, Nirvana) produces a crazy fiddle-four from Sidney? It's a record that's full of steam. The Crooked Fiddle Band, founded in 2006, now presents their reference work after two self-produced EPs and a longplayer.


THE CROOKED FIDDLE BAND - Moving Pieces Of The Sea

Was kommt dabei heraus, wenn der kalifornische Starproduzent Steve Albini (PJ Harvey, The Auteurs, Bush, Nirvana) einen verrückten Fiddel-Vierer aus Sidney produziert? Eine Platte, die Dampf und Laune macht.



Attention, not for people who can't play the violin. The Hardanger-Fiddle version of this instrument sounds almost pure here. Erlend Apneseth, a 23-year-old Norwegian, has won prizes with this instrument in many competitions in his home country and is one of the elite fiddlers there.



Achtung, nichts für Leute, die Geigenklänge nicht abkönnen. Denn hier erklingt dieses Instrument in der Variante Hardanger-Fiddle nahezu pur.


NEIL YOUNG - Live At The Cellar Door

Neil Young's archival work is becoming increasingly opaque. For years, they have been waiting for the second part of his "Archive" series, which begins around 1973 and could reveal plenty of unpublished studio and live material.


NEIL YOUNG - Live At The Cellar Door

Die Archivarbeit des Neil Young wird immer undurchsichtiger. Seit Jahren wartet man auf den zweiten Teil seiner „Archive“-Serie, der ca. 1973 ansetzt und reichlich unveröffentlichtes Studio- und Livematerial zutage fördern könnte.
