There are few German cities for whom it would be a matter of course if three "newcomers" confessed their new home with an album title. In the Berlin crucible, however, this is a relatively normal process. "About ten years ago we moved to the capital from all over Germany because we simply wanted to get out of the province and Berlin appeared to us as our natural new territory," recalls Christoph Bartelt. "Here we found each other and developed something together. We are all fundamentally different, but that is normal in a city like Berlin. In this respect, I believe the city has left its mark on us. So it goes without saying that the album should be named after her."
Similar to ice hockey clubs, the trio has "ammunitioned itself with animal names": Drummer Christoph Bartelt hears the name Tiger. "I don't think there are that many people who call me Chris or Christoph anymore." The second Christoph, Christoph Lindemann, guitarist and singer, was given the name "Lupus". "In the beginning, we wanted to be different because we had the same first name. Our former bassist (Philipp Lippitz - note) did not really take his name 'Mammut'. Let's see how it goes with our 'Dragon'." Another amusing story, by the way, is that of the retro clothes that go so well with the trio's retro sound: "When we hit the ground in Berlin, we weren't necessarily bedded on roses, so the walk to the second-hand shop was part of the survival training ..."