DAVID CROSBY - Secret power reserves

15. November 2017

David Crosby

DAVID CROSBY - Secret power reserves

"I've wasted a lot of time being completely drugged. I stopped writing, I was in prison, I was a wreck. But since I know I don't have much time left, I'm trying to do the best job I can." David Crosby is not only advertising his sixth solo album, he also thinks he is on a real mission: as one of the last political singer-songwriters of the USA and bulwark against the "toupee-carrying disaster on two legs", as he calls Trump.

On "Sky Trails" he contrasts this with hippie ideals such as love and harmony, but also finds clear words against racism, the influence of multinationals and corrupt representatives of the people. "We have only four politicians with consciences. The rest is trash that sells itself to the economy. This started a long time ago, with the railroad and oil barons. Today they own everything and everyone. They just call and say, "We need a war. So go ahead. That's what happens. These guys rule the country."

Washington as a Mecca of stupidity and greed, and the target of a musical indictment in ten pieces, which Crosby seasoned with a declaration of love to his wife Jan and a tribute to the seriously ill Joni Mitchell. Their "Amelia" from 1976 is the only cover on "Sky Trails" and fits wonderfully to the vibe of an album that skilfully oscillates between folk and jazz rock and does not remind of Steely Dan by chance. "Then we did everything right," laughs the old master. "Walter Becker's death knocked me down. Right now, every month, I lose someone I love. And Steely Dan were always my favorite band next to the Beatles. Her songwriting was amazing. Sounding like her is a wonderful thing. Only I don't play as well as Walter does."

Lest mehr im eclipsed Nr. 195 (11-2017).