Exclusive RUNRIG Tour Raffle - Meet the band backstage!

20. October 2016


Exclusive RUNRIG Tour Raffle - Meet the band backstage!

For the RUNRIGtour starting next week we raffle two places at a show of your choice. But it gets even better: A band member meets the winners at the hotel before the joint ride in the band bus to the soundcheck and will then give you a little tour of the backstage procedures (technology, instruments, transport, backstage etc ). You will also get food from the band catering and be in front of all the other fans in the hall.

Write as always a mail with your complete contact details to verlosung@eclipsed.de and tell us your desired show!

The winners will be notified by email!

Good luck 10. Hanover, Swiss Life Hall,
01.11. Stuttgart, Porsche Arena, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany,
Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany, Germany, Germany, Germany, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Germany, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Germany,
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You can download the conditions of participation hier nachlesen.