Bands like Mogwai never get quiet. Even if they fall silent for a few years between their albums, their Walls of Noise always echo longer than they could hold themselves back. Their return is always furious. Twenty years ago they published their studio debut "Mogwai Young Team". With the new work "Every Country's Sun" the British post-rock greats return to their starting point. And at the same time expand their combat zone.
With "Every Country's Sun" the Scottish band Mogwai releases their ninth studio album, not counting their soundtracks. Never before has she set out such a broad spectrum, never before has she been so difficult to categorize as on this album in the twenty-second year of her existence. Guitarist Stuart Braithwaite and drummer Martin Bulloch answer eclipsed questions.
eclipsed: How do you always find a new travel guide for the trips you take your listeners on?
Stuart Braithwaite: No one has ever stopped us. We could always do what we wanted. Each new record stands for itself. It expresses many things, but many things remain unsaid. In this respect, new music is always a new challenge. It's about new ways of playing and approaches to our music. I'm really proud of the new record.
eclipsed: Twenty years ago your sound was even more brutal, today it is better produced and more symphonic. Yet you always remain true to yourselves. How would you describe your core?
Martin Bulloch: I think the heartbeat of our music is the volume. Even when we're quiet, we're loud.
eclipsed: Your new record also has real songs and many quiet moments.
Braithwaite: Of course we change with time. Over the years we have always tried to write a few normal songs. Sometimes we tended towards ballads, then more towards faster songs. That always depends on how we feel right now. But perhaps we will also become better and better in this discipline over the years.