Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Psychedelic/Space Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 160 / 5-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 6.5/10 | Label: Sub Pop | Autor: SaS
The beginning is beguiling: Chad Vangaalen sings strange verses to an acoustic guitar with a soft voice and one immediately feels reminded of the solo works of Syd Barrett. That's not very original, but always good. Unfortunately, it doesn't go on like this, because at least for lovers of the slimmed down acoustic sound Vangaalen is a bit too thick from the second track on. Memories of the Flaming Lips' last album come back: distorted soundtracks, a singing that seems to float in from somewhere, a dreamy but somehow unpleasant atmosphere. Lyrically it seems to be about aliens, at least that's what the brilliant illustrations that accompany the album suggest. You have to dedicate yourself very intensively to this album to discover between the lines the self-proclaimed role models like the Flying Burrito Brothers (not recognizable) up to the surrealistic filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky (very obvious). The voyage of discovery is sometimes somewhat uninspired. But those who like the sound landscapes of the Flaming Lips will also enjoy "Shrink Dust".
Top Track: Cut Off My Hands