Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 139 / 4-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: 5/10 | Label: Sony | Autor: CA
The new City album is probably best explained by quotes from the individual songs. So it says in the opener "Forever young": "I've never been to Casablanca before, And I'm never standing at the window either, Are pictures I carry inside me, And you fill them with fantasy" Or here: "We want to be like gods, Now the truth catches up with us, We are small, So small..." ("Too late"). After forty years of band history and a considerable stack of released records there is still no time for a résumé. You also don't need it if you have a valid status in East and West, like City. "At the window" and "Casablanca" echo from afar. Measured against these classics, "Forever young" seems relatively harmless. Especially titles like "Es ist immer noch Sommer" or "Das Schöne am Leben" have no obvious claim. But especially with their cover versions Toni Krahl & Co. are always the best. Bettina Wegener's classic "Sind so kleine Hände" (Are such little hands) can even be added. And with "Quicklebendig (In The Deathcar)", a Bregovich composition, one pays tribute to the Balkan beats as well.
Top track: Quickliving (In The Deathcar)