Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Jazz/Jazzrock/Fusion | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 138 / 3-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: Double Moon | Autor: WK
Congratulations, the Swiss trio Cowboys From Hell has found what they were looking for on their first album "Monster Rodeo", no matter how desperately: a centre. On their new album the three Swiss groove with sax, bass, drums and a few effects like the devils, but abstain from all tricks and even more from all blunt jokes. They do not let themselves go, but simply run off and arrive somewhere without detour. Their sometimes sluggish, sometimes driving, sometimes minimalistic dry groove jazz is full of allusions to TripHop, Ambient and Drum'n'Bass, but also Prog- and Krautrock. Many pieces sound like torsos, which can (or must) be enriched by additional sounds in the listener's imagination. The big city cowboys have a very graphical approach to their songs. Lines and contours, hatching and shading, rarely a surface, but almost never bold coloration. The sounds are often distorted and alienated beyond recognition. Especially the saxophone is hardly recognizable as such.
Top track: Walk