EVERGREY - Hymns For The Broken

Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Metal | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 165 / 11-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: AFM | Autor: MB

As bad as "Torn" (2008) and "Glorious Collision" (2011) were made afterwards by some fans, they were definitely not. Nevertheless: Since "Monday Morning Apocalypse" the band around the charismatic guitarist and singer Tom S. Englund had clearly lost relevance and identity. With drummer Jonas Ekdahl and guitarist Henrik Danhage two lost sons have now returned to the lap of the band, who had torn a gap in songwriting after their departure in 2010. With the bombastically produced "Hymns For The Broken" Evergrey have definitely found their way back to old musical strength: atmospherically super dense, musically intense and always filled with dark and moving melodies. The sound of the Gothenburg musicians always oscillates between tough (sometimes even thrashy) riffing, finest orchestral and choir bombs and noble synth carpets. Only the all too predictable ballad "Missing You" prevents an even higher note. It remains to be hoped that the Swedes will now be able to work in the interpersonal field again.

Top track: Black Undertow

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