Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Prog | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 157 / 2-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: Nomenclature | Autor: AS
Fright Pig are called Fright Pig because their founder, keyboarder and only composer is called Fright Pig. Also the other musicians, who are on the debut album of the US project and who are not sure if they are only guests or permanent members, hide behind strange names. But they're all pretty good at making music. The Symphonic Prog offered here is reminiscent of ELP, but goes far beyond it. When singer Pig Maillion raises his voice, the whole thing almost always gets a musical or rock opera character. Catchy melodies alternate with adventurous key and string solos. With "Darkest Of Forms" clever metal elements come into play, "Presumido" invites to dance with Flameco sounds and also (irish) folk can be heard from time to time. "Out Of The Barnyard" all too often seems like an exhibition of the participating artists. In every song the ideas bubble all too strongly, as if one wanted to prove something to each other all the time. That leaves little room to really let what you hear have an effect on you. There would have been less more here.
Top track: The Claustrophobia Of Time