Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Heavy Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2012, eclipsed Nr. 139 / 4-2012 | VÖ-Jahr: 2012 | Wertung: 8/10 | Label: Ear | Autor: MB
If one didn't know better, one could think that "Adress The Nation" is an album classic of the eighties. But far from it: The Swedish youngsters of H.E.A.T. exist in this line-up only since 2007, but have already delivered three really splendid hit fireworks in this time. Even the departure of singer Kenny Leckremo was perfectly compensated. With Erik Grönwall, the winner of a Swedish casting show is now on the mic and the boy even sounds a bit like Eric Martin of Mr. Big in this environment. In the field of tension between Europe, Bon Jovi ("Heartbreaker"), Def Leppard, Survivor ("Falling Down") and a bit of AOR ("In And Out Of Trouble") Grönwall seems to feel really comfortable. All ten songs on "Adress The Nation" are very strong (from the super hit "Living On The Run" to the convincing ballad "The One And Only") and actually this is the perfect stadium rock. Too bad that nowadays hardly any hardrock band will reach the status of the eighties megaseller.
Top track: Living On The Run