Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Artpop/Pop | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 166 / 12-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 6.5/10 | Label: Pleasuredome | Autor: UR
Holly Johnson had recently taken a long break, during which he studied painting. A product of his side talent now adorns the first new album of the former Frankie Goes To Hollywood singer in 15 years. It shows a close-up of the Union Jack with thick white trickles. The self-produced songs on it revolve around universal serious stuff like love, lust and bittersweet memories. First of all: There are probably few people socialized in the eighties who are not impulsively happy about a rehearsal with one of the, sorry: horniest voices of the era. Opener and single "Follow Your Heart" with fanfare sounds typical for this decade to the narrow funk bass prepares a hip stage for the stretched tenor of the Liverpoolers. In the following the quality class varies. Unfortunately, there are no firecrackers like in Frankie times. But enough inspiration always flashes up, for example in the use of old synths like in "Heavens Eye" with its Italo disco entry or in the easy-going Euro dancer "Hold On Tight". Even blander tracks have at least one big plus: Johnson's presence.
Top track: Hollow Your Heart