Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Heavy Rock | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 166 / 12-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: Fastball | Autor: MB
Honestly, the "Live In Cologne" recorded in 2013 was a lukewarm joke with just 36 minutes. In contrast, "Fight The System" sounds like a musical declaration of war right from the start. But the fan community has understood anyway: The quintet with roots in Duisburg no longer has a lax AOR-page. Instead, crunchy melodic metal/hardrock dominates most of the band's albums. Responsible for this change is singer Johann Fahlberg (sings in the best song "Control" in duet with Rick Altzi from Masterplan) and guitarist Peter Östros. The two Swedes have given the band a more international look in recent years and the twelfth album "Fight The System" even continues this trend with a slightly darker orientation. The line-up carousel has turned even further, because after the departure of drummer Axel Kruse, bassist Michael Müller is the only remaining founding member. But even in this constellation you can still recommend Jaded Heart to all Hardrock fans.
Top track: Control