Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Worldmusic | Heft: Jahrgang 2013, eclipsed Nr. 150 / 5-2013 | VÖ-Jahr: 2013 | Wertung: 5/10 | Label: Westpark | Autor: CA
The songs of the band around exiled Ethiopian Josephine Kronfli stand up for peace ("Selam, Shalom, Shlomo, Frieden") and anti-racism ("Wir sind eins/Eheruru"). On "Back Road To Ethiopia" the folklore from Ethiopia and those from Kronfli's new home Germany merge. Karibuni @ddis, who with the Lindenberg bassist Steffi Stephan, ex-Stoppok member Benno Gromzig, the Turkish Ud player Ahmet Bektas and Roshan Linsi from Addis Ababa has renowned musicians to offer, can thus be classified as multicultural.