KYNG - Burn The Serum

Kategorie: CD-Reviews | Genre: Stoner/Desertrock, Doom Metal | Heft: Jahrgang 2014, eclipsed Nr. 160 / 5-2014 | VÖ-Jahr: 2014 | Wertung: 7/10 | Label: R&T | Autor: ML

Black Sabbath on speed pills! "Burn The Serum", the song, not the whole album, sounds like a predator approaching its prey at lightning speed and giving it no chance. He who is so powerful and fast need not kick quietly. But then suddenly the monster named Kyng leaves his prey with gaping wounds. The vultures are circling over the rest of the album. The band from California doesn't do anything wrong on their second album. But after such an opener the spit stays in your cheek for the time being. But then suddenly, after a lot of well presented Heavy Stoner Rock with Doom parts, a color comes into play, which you would not have expected. Thrash Metal at its best: "Big Ugly Me" looks like a horde of hyenas who don't want to leave their prey to the vultures. It's not about dissecting finely, it's about mauzing, pulling and pulling until there's nothing left of the carcass. During the second listening session you can also rest during various acoustic guitar passages, because these are also part of the trio's spectrum.

Top track: Burn The Serum

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